Covid Testing
Echo Health is an accredited laboratory licensed to administer covid testing as per the College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC.
We offer a variety of testing options to suit your needs in our Victoria clinic and mobile units in Vancouver & West Vancouver. Our nurses can provide convenient testing in the comfort of your own home with our Mobile Testing Team.
Same day appointments can be booked by calling the clinic. Generally we are able to accommodate last minute appointments within an hour.
Covid Rapid Antigen Testing
In-Clinic - 1964 Fort Street, Suite 210, Victoria
$119.99 per test
Results within 15-20 minutes. An additional Travel Certificate is included with all of our testing to simplify results for users.
We can provide both a paper copy of results and an emailed copy for your convenience.
Covid Rapid Antigen Testing
Mobile Service in Vancouver
$119.99 per test +
$59.99 mobile Call-Out Fee
To book a mobile covid test, please select your preferred time through our online system and our nurses will contact you to confirm the location of service and number of individuals being tested.
There is only one Call-Out Fee charged per group. If booking separately online, the additional fees will be refunded after booking.
Family Package Discount
Covid Rapid Antigen Testing
In-Clinic - 1964 Fort Street, Suite 210,
Starting at $399.99 for a family of 4
For families of four or more that need testing at the same time, we are happy to provide a discounted rate.
Please book online and specify the number of family members that need testing.
Frequently Asked Questions
What test do I need for travel?
Echo Health does not offer guidance or advice on required testing for travel. A good starting point for research is the interactive IATA map linked below.
Do you accept walk-ins?
We are generally able to accept last minute appointments within the hour. However, you need to call before coming to the clinic to ensure there is availability.
Do you provide PCR testing?
Currently we only offer Rapid Antigen Testing.
Can you create a recovery certificate?
We currently do not offer a recovery certificate for individuals who have previously tested positive for Covid-19.
What type of Antigen testing do you provide?
We offer anterior nasal swabs, and can provide nasopharyngeal swabs on request.
If your destination requires a nasopharyngeal swab, please contact us after booking to let us know so that we can prepare the correct materials for your test in advance.